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Game Name : Sega Sports NFL 2002
System : Xbox
Date Added : 2004-03-13 13:43:19
Views : 27369

Hint: 100 rated players:
To create a 100 rated RB, set the upper and lower body strength low enough to put all the other stats at 100. Then, fill up the rest on your upper or lower body strength. The same can be done for a QB, TE, WR, DB, LB, DT, DE. However, for the LB, DT, DE, make sure they are big. For a DT or DE set the weight to 400 lbs. and height about 6' 0". For the LB, set the weight at about 260 lbs. and make him 6' 4".

Hint: Better defense:
Create two players with a height of 7'0", weight 220 lbs., and stats at 30 for upper and lower body. Set everything else to 100 except jumping and block. Thrown ball should be 95 and intelligence 50.

Hint: Better offense:
Create three WR with a height of 7'0", weight 220 lbs., and stats at 0 for upper and lower body. Set everything else to 100.

Hint: More time outs:
Go to the controller options and change to the other team. Use their time out, then switch back to your original team.

Hint: Easy sacks:
When on defense go to 3-4 and select "Base". When on the field, select your outside linebacker and move him close to the line without crossing the line of scrimmage. Once the QB snaps the ball, use speed burst to run around and sack him. This will work almost every time unless there is a TE were your LB is located.

Hint: Easy on-side kick:
After scoring a touchdown, you have the option to do an on-side kick or kick-off. If you choose on-side kick, the opposite team lines up to your left. If you place the directional arrow towards the right and up, it will reach the endzone and they will automatically be on the 20 yard line. Sometimes if you kick it off to tea right, all the way up and very low power, your own team will catch it and you will have the ball again. Note: This does not happen very often.

Hint: Taunt while scoring:
When you are on a break away and no one is around you, when you make it within the 10 yard line release the Analog-stick. Your player will still run it in, but he will add a little attitude to his walk. When you release the Analog-stick determines what way he will come in. Be careful -- if someone is nearby they can tackle you and you will have a higher chance of fumbling.

Before scoring a touchdown, make sure there are no defenders close to you. When you get between the 10 yard line and the endzone, release the Analog-stick. Your player will celebrate into the endzone. Also make sure you are not too close to the sidelines are your player may step out of bounds. If there are defenders nearby your player can fumble the ball if he gets hit, especially if he has low ball handling skills. Enter practice mode, Offense Only, and try it.

Hint: Get higher rated players in trades:
The CPU will accept any trade that is within 4 points of their player, and not their best player at that position. For example, Player A 72 for Player B 76. Keep doing this until you get a decent player. Note: This works best with wide receivers and defensive backs.

Hint: Super deformed players:
Create a custom player and make him as heavy and short as possible and have skin number 6. You will be able to have created players up to 15 feet tall or as short as 3 feet tall. They can also be as heavy as 700,100 lb. and as light as 10lb. They can also have rainbow skin

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